"2000 Mules," a documentary film created by Dinesh D'Souza, exposes widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome.
Released: 2022-05-02
Runtime: 89 minutes
Genre: Crime, Documentaries
Stars: Dinesh D'Souza, Catherine Engelbrecht, Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Hans von Spakovsky, Debbie D'Souza, Gregg Phillips, Charlie Kirk, Hans von Spakovsky, Stacey Abrams, Bret Baier, Joe Biden, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Cuomo, James O’Keefe, Don Lemon, Joy Reid, Shepard Smith, Donald Trump, Chris Wallace, Mark Zuckerberg
Director: Dinesh D'Souza, Bruce Schooley, Debbie D'Souza
kellywilliams-34166 - 25 May 2024 Rated "EG" for Extreme Gullibility required The film begins with a legally-required brainless test: the Trumpie fave video of Biden saying he'd created a "voter fraud" organization. He meant protection from fraud, of course...
But if you don't believe he was bragging about creating fraud, YOU CAN'T WATCH THE FILM. Your head might explode. OK, you've been warned!
Then there's the "roundtable discussions" where all the so-sincere cast "doubt" that the massive fraud they're about to handwave into being could really exist.
It's downhill after that, though D'Souza lies and misleads valiantly. On zero actual evidence he determines that tens of thousands of somehow spurious ballots were stuffed into drop boxes - and presumably counted by clueless election officials. He bravely omits pointing out that any fake ballots will be rejected on multiple grounds. And that valid ballots could just be mailed in.
His proof of these mule drops? He's got cellphone data so inaccurate that it can show ANYTHING he needs! Including drop boxes in Moscow (oops). So there you go!
At the end, the cast sadly agrees that massive fraud has been proven beyond a doubt. Don't know what film they watched!
If you qualified per the Biden video then this new drivel will have you absolutely convinced that the election was stolen.
Which is all you wanted to hear in the first place, right?
davidlevalley-04031 - 19 February 2024 Pure Fiction Not a single thing in this "documentary" is true. It is hard to believe that there are actually people that believe that the theories presented have any bit of truth to them. It just goes to show that people that get caught up in cults will tend to believe anything that they are told to believe.
In my humble opinion, you would be better off binge-watching the entire Beavis and Butthead. You will definitely encounter material that is more factual than 2000 Mules contains. It is really unfortunate and sorry that we are still talking about the big lie that DJT and his many followers are trying to push. You can't make this crap up.
hump-43377 - 8 December 2023 Best non-fiction explanation of how an Idiot in the basment got most votes in historh of our nation Best non-fiction explanation of how an Idiot in the basement got most votes in history of our nation. The fraud is real. The data is real. The threshold was very high for targeting "mules" - ten drop box stops and two ngo stops. Tracing cell phone data took a lot of investigation. States that were mandated to video the drop boxes supplied the actual footage. One clip it was brood daylight and someone was stuffing the ballot box. In Wisconsin, the state did not have any video cameras on the boxes. In Georgia and Arizona, videos were available. Cell phone pings correspond to the actual real person stuffing the boxes.
RJShawIV-303-828480 - 10 November 2022 Reviews must have been done by bots Anyone noticed all reviews have just one star? What's the odds? LMAO Obviously reviews are all bots. I'd say this film is full of truth and what most people would say...."over the target."
This is the kind of reviews sensitive liberals put out. They never could, never did, nor will they ever face the truth in anything they do. They think most people are too dumb to think for themself, therefore, they try to do the thinking for them. Be man, or person enough to watch this film yourself and YOU decide if it's truthful or not. I can't believe how corrupt our once great country was... and sad to say, will never return.
MDesigner - 7 November 2022 Absolute propaganda Joseph Goebbels would be proud of this "documentary." Complete rubbish and lies. For instance, some of the maps of polling locations shown in this documentary are actually maps of Moscow. And in another scene, they just rotate the map to make it look like a different area.
Furthermore, how could mobile phone location data be counted as reliable? Just because a phone pinpoints someone as near a ballot box doesn't mean they were actually there. They could've been at the McDonald's next door, or buying underwear at Walmart.
But hey, the 'Murican people will believe whatever they see, and the Trumplicans are fully aware of this and take full advantage of it. Our democracy is doomed, thanks to a populace of complete and utter morons.