Poor Things

Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 141 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy, Romance
  • Stars: Ramy Youssef, Charlie Hiscock, Damien Bonnard, Jeremy Wheeler, Mark Ruffalo, Jack Barton, Willem Dafoe, Christopher Abbott, Jerrod Carmichael, Suzy Bemba, Margaret Qualley, Kathryn Hunter, Wayne Brett, Anders Grundberg, Vivienne Soan, David Bromley, Miles Jovian, Roderick Hill, Emma Stone, John Locke
  • Director: Yorgos Lanthimos
  • peacelovespeed - 29 June 2024
    Will be consumed by this movie for the next several days at least...
    I don't think I can offer enough praise for this movie to do it justice. It's definitely my new favorite movie.

    Other reviewers have left sufficient words for the scenery, world building, and costume design (I especially appreciated the odd combinations of formal Victorian outerwear and lighter, more modern clothing/intended undergarments. The fashion crimes just reminded us that Bella is a human still learning how to human and exploring her self-expression.) I won't even go into all the artful, pointed, tiny little details of Godwin and the general's mansions.

    I also thought every casting was perfect for the plot, from the cad-ness, poorly-accented, and sort of see-through character of Duncan, to the palpable frustrations and misery of the staff in the backgrounds, to the entirely-too-accurate demonstrations of erratic toddler behavior. (I have a 3 year old, so I feel qualified to judge.) I was ugly-cackling at the dance scene.

    The film also accurately depicts what someone with a child's mind in an adult discovering their sexuality would look like. The fact that a mentally-underage person is having all this sex is MEANT to be disturbing to the viewers, and sheds light on the pressing issue of sexual abuse and pedophila, rather than condone it, as other reviewers seem to have interpreted it.

    The whole time you'll be shouting at Bella through the screen, "NO! Don't do that!" But it ends up being important for her to experience all the pretty awful things she does, as it strips her of her child-like innocence, and develops and strengthens her character. It's a feminist piece of art, truly, because she refuses to be caged, exercises her bodily autonomy, and builds her own paradise in a patriarchal world full of cruelty. I thought that Bella used her femininity to her advantage, and softened the male characters' hearts, and that's super powerful.

    The movie also explores the concept of how our parentage profoundly affects us, and just how much we are to embrace or reject its influence. Bella is simultaneously both her mother and her daughter and herself, and she ultimately chooses what kind of individual she is reborn into.
  • caahcorrales - 20 June 2024
    Wondrous Eccentricity
    "Poor Things" is a film tailored for those who see themselves as a bit unconventional. If you're into works like "Amélie," then this is one cinematic experience that will easily make it to your favorites list. Just as Amélie captivates with its charming details and unique worldview, "Poor Things" shines with its own meticulous details that truly make a difference.

    The film is a true work of art, one that demands attentive viewing and an open mind. It tackles current and relevant themes, offering a sharp critique of patriarchy. Each scene blends strangeness with beauty, reminding us that the world isn't black and white but filled with nuances and peculiarities.

    Moreover, the visual presentation of "Poor Things" is simply stunning. Every frame is carefully composed, with a color palette that evokes emotions and an art direction that enriches the narrative uniquely. Much like how Amélie Poulain transports us to a Parisian fantasy world, "Poor Things" immerses us in a universe where every visual detail contributes to the story and atmosphere of the film.

    "Poor Things" is completely unique, a breath of fresh air in today's cinematic landscape. It fearlessly embraces its differences and eccentricities, challenging us to think outside the box.

    For those who enjoy films that provoke and challenge, "Poor Things" is a gem. It should be approached with the eyes of someone contemplating a work of art, not just seeking easy entertainment. Its dense narrative and peculiar aesthetics might deter some, but they will enchant those looking for something out of the ordinary.

    Be prepared to leave the theater with a head full of questions and a mind buzzing with ideas. "Poor Things" is strange in the best possible way. It reminds us that there's beauty in oddity and that cinema can be much more than just a money-making machine.

    In summary, if you're ready for a unique and challenging cinematic journey, "Poor Things" is the film for you. But if you prefer more mainstream and easily digestible movies, you might want to choose a different screening.
  • dxjryntb - 11 June 2024
    This film is beautiful
    I watched this and everything about it is mesmerizing. From the story, to the acting it is a masterpiece. William Defoe performance is amazing, but Emma Stone and Mark Rufflo steal the show/movie.

    From the set design to the costumes it is just a beautiful done movie. It reminds me of the old Nickelodeon films of days gone by.

    Emma stone portrayal of Bella is nothing short of amazing. Watching her grow and learn about the world and all the delights and madness it offers. You truly feel her seeing and doing everything for the first time, you truly become Bella. Just like a child Bella views the world in the same wonderment.
  • aob_brctor87 - 6 June 2024
    Bella is eager to learn (some spoilers)
    This review is somewhat incomplete and may be redacted upon a second viewing. The only "Problem" here lies not in this mesmerizing work of art- but in this viewers perception.

    It's A LOT to take in and around 30 minutes in I had a sneaking suspicion this was a Yorgos Lanthimos film- mainstream style (for him).

    If that name doesn't sound familiar then perhaps "The Lobster" or "Dogtooth" titles will ring a bell.

    That's to say his films are....hella weird... and the previous ones nearly un-accessible to wider audiences. I presume anyway.

    With "Poor Things" he has created an utter masterpiece that has mainstream actors (I have no words for Emma Stone-she is beyond words at this point) and a sort of mainstream plot.

    A MASSIVE plot that's impossible to take in at once. I shall now focus on moment's (spoilers) that...let's say "stood out"

    The entire suicide opening scene that cuts to black and white for around 1/3rd of the film is delightfully weird as "God" (I'm also speechless on Willem Dafoe) revives an "unruly child" to life.

    She isn't particularly thrilled about this and that' s where Lanthimos puts his signature disturbing/shockingness to good use.

    Poor frog....: (

    She is then "rescued" and married by an insecure control freak played by a never aging Mark Ruffalo (also hella good actor) who wants to show her the world.

    I must stop here and address something. This movie is SEXY AS HELL. It has so many sensual scenes and just flat out "squirming in my seat" territory of hyper-psycho sexuality...what was I talking about?

    Oh yeah...

    It also plays out as hilarious when Ruffalo reacts precisely how man should not. Perhaps how I should not here now in this review..

    I guess that's all for now. Another beyond words performance from a beyond words goddess in a beyond words film from a beyond words director....

    ...now if..um.. you'll excuse me.... lol.