
As the world falls, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers into the hands of a great biker horde led by the warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the wasteland, they encounter the citadel presided over by Immortan Joe. The two tyrants wage war for dominance, and Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

  • Released: 2024-05-22
  • Runtime: 148 minutes
  • Genre: Action, Adventure
  • Stars: Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Angus Sampson, Quaden Bayles, Nathan Jones, Tom Burke, Daniel Webber, Goran D. Kleut, CJ. Bloomfield, Lachy Hulme, Charlee Fraser, Maleeka Gasbarri, Nat Buchanan, David Collins, Ian Roberts, Matuse Paz, Darcy Bryce, Rahel Romahn, Alex Time
  • Director: George Miller
  • diyathat-70426 - 3 July 2024
    Great Experience after watch
    Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" is a highly anticipated film in the Mad Max franchise, focusing on the backstory of the iconic character Furiosa, originally portrayed by Charlize Theron in "Mad Max: Fury Road." Here's an exploration of what makes this movie an exciting experience:

    1. Immersive Post-Apocalyptic World: World-Building: The film deepens the lore of the Mad Max universe, exploring new areas of the desolate, chaotic world that fans have come to love.

    Visual Spectacle: As with previous Mad Max films, "Furiosa" is expected to deliver stunning visuals and breathtaking action sequences that transport viewers into its gritty, dystopian setting.

    2. Character Focus on Furiosa: Origin Story: The movie provides a deeper look into Furiosa's past, shedding light on her origins and the events that shaped her into the fierce warrior seen in "Fury Road." Complex Protagonist: Furiosa is a strong, multifaceted character, and her backstory promises to be rich with emotional depth and compelling personal challenges.
  • etsenberg - 2 July 2024
    Lots of action, no logic
    Well, if you are not tired of repetitive scenes "a gang on bikes and buggies attack a huge fuel truck at high speed" from previous Mad Max movies, you will get your favorite dish, Again and again. But virtually all characters in this film act extremely stupid. The oasis dwellers did not care to guard and protect the entrance into their paradise. Furiosa swears to her mother to escape and return home even if her mom fails to do it, but instead she goes back into the hands of the bad guys w/o a slightest hope to save her mother (and indeed, she just sees the latter being tortured and killed and becomes a caged captive herself). And Dementos (sorry if misspelled), the gang leader? He is definitely not a good guy (actually, almost nobody in this movie is), but after torturing to death the mother he does not torture the daughter (while keeping her in chains) in order to get the same secret of the greatest importance - the road to the oasis! (BTW, why nobody found it again as the first group of bikers did? It was not too far, just several hours of riding!) Dementos in general is a worse poseur than even Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. He talks too much for a gang leader, and at the end he even tells Furiosa, who captured him and is going to shoot him. That it will not satisfy her urge for vengeance! The result? She agrees, and instead of a merciful bullet he receives a fate worse than death (sorry guys, no spoiler here - that was really nice!) Between these two scenes - Dementos capturing Furiosa and Furiosa capturing Dementos - there are 2 hours of action where I completely lost the thread - who attacks who, who betrays who, who ambushes who. Anyway, they are all bad guys, so there is no team to root for. But the scenes of convoy attacks are very stupid again - as if it were a comedy and not a "serious" and even tragic film. Can you imagine, for example, a western where a gang attacks a train using balloons and hang gliders? It was technically possible in the end of the 19th century, but totally impractical!

    Closer to the end (but before the final scenes), Furiosa is captured by Dementos AGAIN, and chained by her hand AGAIN, but that time she escaped by cutting her hand off. How did she manage? Were Dementos and his guys stupid enough to leave her a knife? Or did she use her teeth? (Possible for a fox but improbable for a human.) Yes, her hand has been damaged before that, but not to the extent when it could be easily torn off! (Otherwise those who chained her would have noticed). Later, she gets a huge bionic hand instead. OK. Cyborgs are great, but if this level of technology is available, why don't they use drones and other hi-tech weapons? And why we don't see other cyborgs?

    Still, the film is watchable if you can turn your critical thinking off. And my special thanks and praise to the authors (without irony) for no sex scenes in the whole movie.
  • ultrafox69 - 1 July 2024
    Waiting for the Mad Max part.
    Mad Max is a fast paced fuel driven saga with road battles galore with epic battles and grand explosions.

    Sadly, this movie has none of that.

    The story is drawn out so it would last 90 minutes, but could have been done in a 25 minute episode.

    The few explosions in this movie used 1970's special effects at best.

    I love the previous Mad Max movies, but this one fails on all fronts to be classified as a Mad Max movie.

    Sure it is fairly nice to watch, but Mad Max it is not.

    But really, if you go and watch this movie, don't expect a grand Mad Max battle movie because you will be dissapointed.
  • lopezrozoshanti - 17 June 2024
    worthy of mad max but it could have been better...
    Mad Max is certainly a saga known mostly for its epic confrontations in a post-apocalyptic world, which is why it is important to know how to make a good movie and the same thing happens with all recognized sagas: you have to know how to make a movie that is better than the previous one.

    This movie is worthy of belonging to the world of Mad Max. It may not be the best, but it does everything. The movie starts well. The conflict is clear and develops quickly, which automatically hooks the viewer, something that I believe is the best thing the movie does. It is the good character development and it shows in Furiosa they show us from when she is a little girl until she is an adult woman and in all this time we realize that things make her change and advance as a character, the special effects They are good and surpass those of the previous films but this film is obviously not perfect at the beginning the film goes at a good pace but as it progresses the film begins to feel slow and even boring this is because at the beginning the film is very fast but then it goes at a slower pace and it feels that's why many have considered that the movie is better at the beginning.

    In conclusion, the movie, although the pace slows down, is good, it has good effects and the story itself is entertaining, even if the pace slows down, the car battles do not disappoint and I would say that they are very good if you want to see an action movie and see a good story is recommended.
  • dmitrysablukov - 15 June 2024
    Why did I learn more about Furiosa from «Fury Road» than I did from her solo movie?
    The sequel to the Mad Max franchise was expected by many fans of the series. The creator of the franchise, George Miller, needed to maintain the level set by the previous movie. Solid budget, Hollywood stars in the cast and big ambitions - all this is inherent in this movie, but did it really turn out what was expected by viewers around the world?

    I would like to start with the positive aspects of the movie. First of all, the creators managed to transfer the convincing visual content of the movie to the screen, the world of Badlands turned out to be really impressive. The authors managed not to lose the post-apocalyptic atmosphere, created in the previous movie of the series, and harmoniously add some new locations. Secondly, from the acting roles most of all noted Dementus played by Chris Hemsworth. The actor once established himself as an actor of one role, but in this case came out a charismatic and original hero, who was able to outshine all the other characters in the movie.

    Now to the flaws that, in my opinion, greatly affected the development of the protagonist's conflict and the coherence in the narrative as the story progressed. The first thing that caught my eye the most was the weirdness going on with Furiosa's hair. The first transformation looks quite logical, but the further jumps in image look strange. Shaving once is an important accent and the next step in the character's development, but if it's done twice, the significance of this event is negated. Also worth mentioning is the selection of the actress for the role of Furiosa. Expectedly, the only embodiment of her image on the screen in the performance of Charlize Theron became a kind of standard, which was deposited in the heads of many viewers. But the choice of the actress was a little surprising, since Anya Taylor-Joy has completely different facial features and a rather specific appearance. But you can not blame her for this, it is certainly a big failure in the work of the team to select the cast and the director himself.

    The final battle, to which we were so pathologically led by a voice-over monologue about the inevitability of wars, flew by in 30 seconds in a short flashback. And the story arc with Furiosa's lover took up most of the plot, but it didn't affect the character development at all, because from the very beginning of the movie it pursued completely different goals.

    About plot holes can go on for a long time, but in addition to them there are several other flaws that were acutely conspicuous. The sheer amount of graphics, from the reflection in the gas tank that didn't match the surroundings to the CG dogs. From the montage, the constant running of the camera over the characters, which in some moments comically repeated one after another from scene to scene, caught my eye.

    It is also worth adding about the fan service. Toward the end of the movie it became obvious that George Miller is trying to play on the feelings of fans of the previous part, as quite a lot of details appear from there. Characters from Fury Road played almost no role in the story, and Max Rockatansky's cameo looks absurdly stupid, as it contradicts exactly what happened in the previous part.

    As a result we have high expectations, overestimated by the impression from the previous part and a bitter residue after leaving the hall. Could the creators of the picture really make an interesting story about Furiosa, which will show her as a strong-willed person who went through the hardest life path? That's something we'll likely never know, and let's hope that the upcoming Max series does a good job of working on its mistakes.


    "You know, hope is a mistake. If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane" - Max Rockatansky.